Training Continues as METTC Adapts to COVID

Training goes on: METTC Adapts to Covid-19

METTC just completed its Fall Seminar as an online, virtual experience. We were able to deliver high-fidelity Montessori training while operating under the precautions imposed at the national and state level.

It's likely that our Spring Seminar will be conducted online. We're cautiously optimistic that we can return to in-person training in the summer of 2021. You can be sure that we'll keep you in the loop through this newsletter and on our website.

Making distance learning come alive: How did we do?

The METTC staff rose to the challenge to make these remote sessions vibrant and engaging. Our adult learners - so many of them having to teach their own students virtually – had high praise for the quality of videos and resources our instructors used in the live sessions.

“The resources that Joel shared for the Timeline of Life were amazing! I don't have many fossils or books on that topic at school, but now feel confident that I can find some using the websites and information given. The different project options th…

“The resources that Joel shared for the Timeline of Life were amazing! I don't have many fossils or books on that topic at school, but now feel confident that I can find some using the websites and information given. The different project options that we got to choose from for our T.O.L. assignment was exciting and a lot of fun.”

  • "The video tutorials were incredibly helpful! Hearing real life examples of classroom happenings were some of my favorite moments"

Several comments stressed the opportunities for discussion during the sessions

  • I enjoyed the brainstorming process our cohort had when coming up with ideas for follow up work for the Work of Air.”

  • “It was nice that we then had time with the instructors to go beyond the album during the Big Blue Button (synchronous) sessions.”

  • “It was also nice to use the breakout rooms to have some chat time on topic and some chat time that was off topic. It was a nice mental health break.”

Feedback was positive on how METTC handled the challenges of online training

  • “I want to thank all for the support and flexibility that I have met in this program during these hard times.”

  • “METTC has kept up with the same quality during virtual training on the Moodle.” (from a student who started her training in 2019 in person).

  • “I think the way the fall seminar was structured was the best way to do it given the circumstances. Thank you!”

  • “Thank you for all of your hard work during these crazy times!”

METTC faculty member Elizabeth Hoffman brought Sticky, the crested gecko, to an online biology session! Here Sticky was featured as the example of a reptile for our impressionistic lesson of external parts. (Note: He was very well behaved and well a…

METTC faculty member Elizabeth Hoffman brought Sticky, the crested gecko, to an online biology session! Here Sticky was featured as the example of a reptile for our impressionistic lesson of external parts. (Note: He was very well behaved and well appreciated!)

In Other News.....

  • METTC faculty members are working now to update all subject content to align with Anti-Bias goals. This work will be an ongoing focus.

  • In our next edition, we will be highlighting some of the reasons that METTC's strengths and accumulated experience are important considerations when choosing a training program.

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