Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Middle Initial and/or Name
Home Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Phone Number
Mobile/Cell Phone preferred
Other Phone Number
How did you hear about METTC?
Through my school administration
Through a colleague
Through a friend
Montessori Conference/Event
AMS Search for Teacher Education Program
Internet Search for Teacher Training Program
I am applying for:
Select the teacher certification program for which you are applying.
Elementary I (6-9) Teacher Training
Elementary I-II (6-12) Teacher Training
Elementary II (9-12 Stand Alone) Teacher Training
Elementary II (9-12 for 6-12) [for those with 6-9 certification]
I must also apply for the Intro to Montessori/Early Childhood Overview
[*Required for anyone not already EC/3-6 certified]
The online version is required for those taking the 9-12 Stand Alone, and is an option for those taking 6-9 or 6-12 who would prefer to reduce their on-site time by one week.
On-site (1 week) Overview Course
Online (8 week) Overview Course Spring 2025
I am already certified 3-6 and will send my credential
You will need to have a set of official transcripts from your highest educational institution level completed emailed to admissions@mettc.org or if your institution does not do electronic transcripts, please contact our Admissions Director at that email address (admissions@mettc.org) for specific instructions.
If your transcripts are from an educational institution that is located outside the United States, they must be evaluated by a U.S. evaluation service. We suggest you contact World Education Services.
I understand I must submit a set of official transcripts.
Employment & Teaching Experience
Please send a current resumé or curriculum vitae to our Admissions Director (admissions@mettc.org).
It should list your present employer and up to two previous employers, including the position(s) held and dates employed. It should also include any other relevant experience working with children, any present and/or previous schools at which you have taught, as well as any teaching certificates held.
I understand I must provide a resumé or CV
Three current letters of recommendation are required for admission to our program. These should be written specifically for consideration of your admission to our program this year. At least two of these must be professional. Email these three current letters of recommendation (2 professional and 1 personal) and a copy of any teaching certificates to admissions@mettc.org. Your references may email their letters directly.
I understand I must provide 3 letters of recommendation
Please submit a personal statement that provides an answer to the following:
• Describe your personal philosophy of education, indicating how Montessori education fits into your educational philosophy.
• What do you hope to gain from this teacher training experience? How will you balance this training with your current life commitments?
• What strengths, experiences, and perspectives will you bring to this training program? Tell us about yourself!
Your personal statement may be an essay, a recorded presentation, or another creative way to encapsulate yourself and your answers to the admissions team.
I will submit my personal statement by email to admissions@mettc.org
AMS certification requires that all elementary interns complete at least one full year in a full-time practicum in a Montessori three year multi-age classroom at the level for which they are being trained. A student interning in a 9-12 class that does not have 6th grade students is required to make a plan to observe and present lessons to 6th grade students. This plan must be approved by the METTC practicum coordinator. The intern must work full time, typically for a minimum of six hours per day, five days per week for the school year, and remain in the same classroom throughout the entire year. Other practicum phase requirements are part of a practicum site agreement form which will need to be completed by all parties upon admission and prior to the start of the practicum phase.
I understand I will need to arrange a practicum/internship site in order to complete my certification
Practicum School Location/Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Practicum School Phone
School Director's Name
(Please indicate any title with first name)
First Name
Last Name
School Director's Email
Name of Supervising Teacher /or Self-Directed
A "Supervising Teacher" is an experienced Montessori Credentialed teacher who works in the same classroom with the intern; otherwise the intern is considered "Self-Directed."
First Name
Last Name
Are you proficient in English?
Application Fee
Send your $150 NON-REFUNDABLE APPLICATION FEE (payable to METTC) to William Maier, Lexington Montessori School / Attn. METTC, 130 Pleasant Street, Lexington, MA 02421. OR pay your application fee directly online via PayPal.me/MontessoriMETTC.
All tuition payments and fees are due in full by June 1 unless you have chosen the 2-part payment plan (5% surcharge): 60% of tuition due June 1 of first summer & remaining 40% due June 1 of second summer. (The two payment option is only available for the 6-9 and the 6-12 courses; also note that those choosing the two payment plan will only receive access to the Elementary I (6-9) level albums and materials their first year.)
Tuition and credentialing fees must be paid by check upon acceptance; we cannot accept credit card or online payments for these at this time.
Full payments made at least 30 days before the start of the program will receive a discount (see website for tuitions, fees, and discount details). Registrations received after this deadline will not receive a discount.
I have sent the check myself
I have requested my school to send the check
I sent my application fee directly via PayPal.me/MontessoriMETTC
Additional Items Required for Your Application to be Complete
In addition to your complete application form and fee, please be sure to email all of the following supporting documents to our Admissions Director, admissions@mettc.org
3 References